Monday, September 7, 2015

"Hey I didn't know you bought milk"

When there are 4 full grown male adults living under the same roof, your food is bound to get eaten by someone other than yourself. Whether it is because one of your roommates is so stupid drunk that he cant formulate a coherent sentence or they use that oh-so infamous line of theirs "I didn't know...". Around our house, the food items that go missing the most is milk and pizza.

This problem usually arises when 2 of us buy the same exact item from the grocery store. We all drink the same kind of milk, 2% low fat from Dillons. One time I noticed that my brand new gallon of milk had been opened and used, not by me of course. I text all my roommates and ask them if they accidentally drank my milk, mistaking it for their own. All 3 of them told me that they didn't drink my milk. I gave all of them a chance to tell me, without me getting extremely upset over the issue. Instead they all chose to lie, which infuriated me.

I am usually not a man of action but when my milk is consistently being drank by someone other than me, I needed to come up with some solution. I decided to label my carton of milk with my name. Having my name on the milk stopped my roommates from opening the carton but not drinking from it. Therefore, I decided I had to take one more step. I drew a line on the carton that was level with the milk. This way I would know for sure if someone had taken drank some of my milk.                                                                                                              

This may seem like an unnecessary and drastic step to take for preserving a little bit of milk. I thought it was too until I woke up one morning expecting to eat a bowl of cereal before a huge test. I always remember my teachers in high school telling me to always eat something before a test day,apparently it helps with information retention. I figured out that this statement was all too true when I failed my test because I was so hungry while taking the test.
                                                                                                           (Photo taken by me)

The lesson to take away from here: If you aren't going to share groceries amongst each other, then always label what is yours to avoid confusion and arguments with your roommates.


  1. Great picture and discussion. I love that you did continue "the lesson to take away" part of the blog.

  2. Very helpful advice. I like the "lesson to take away" section.
