Monday, October 19, 2015

Laundry Rotation

In our house we all have to share one washer and dryer. Considering there are four of us, these appliances are being used all the time. Whether someone forgets to move their clothes from the washer to the dryer or they leave their clothes in the dryer because they don't want to deal with them yet.

The first couple months of everyone living here we were constantly bickering at each other to remember to move your laundry or take it out when it is done. Most of the time if someone had left there stuff in the washer or dryer, we would either move it to the dryer or just place the clothes on top of the dryer. We all got tired of this after a couple months.

We decided the best thing to do was to dedicate certain days of the week in which we could do our laundry. Since there are four of us, we had to figure out a way to evenly divide the days up. We each gave ourself a day during the week, Monday-Thursday. Then two of us would get Friday, and the other two would get Saturday. Sunday is a free-for-all day. I ended up with Tuesday and sharing Friday with B-fresh.

The rotation we dedicated to our laundry days has worked perfectly for us. We always remember when to grab our laundry and what days we have to do laundry. We have yet to have any other problems with our laundry or dealing with other's laundry.


  1. Great way of dealing with this problem. Make sure to spell check your work before publishing, as a first draft can be a bit messy!

  2. I understand this struggle. This is a very good plan. I am glad it is working well for you and your roommates.
